Each year the Cardano foundation organizes events alover the world, this year it was organized a main event in Lausanne in Switzerland and more than 50 other events across different cities of the world including 10 in Africa and one in the DRC in GOMA.
These events are mostly a celebration where people come together to admire the work done, talk about the projects, NFTs and everything about Cardano, participation in these events is done in two ways either face-to-face or online.
Cardano is the most friendly and open environment for everyone, to organize one of these events or show up in the main events, you have to express this desire and the community goes to the vote to decide the speakers and the cities that will organize these events.
Goma has already led two of these events, the first in 2021 and a second in 2022 with more than 200 participants face-to-face and other in virtual attendance this year, these events have resulted in more and more young people from the french community discovering Cardano and all the opportunities powered by blockchain technology. For more information click here.
Despite the difficulties related to the routing and delivery of equipment supposed to facilitate the smooth running of this event, the Goma hub struggled to hold this event, albeit with a one-week delay. The participants for two days were edified on several themes including:
On the first day
- General information on Cardano by Paul MUPENDA,
- Cardano project catalyst by Martin MUSAGARA
- Goma hub and stakepool by Boaz BALUME
On the second day
- General information on cryptos: ADA and electronic wallets by Jules VAMULEKE
- The smart contract by Fréderic SAMVURA.
The Goma hub counts for next year with the help of the Cardano community to expand these events to other cities in the DRC and thus promote the growth of Cardano. Support education and nature conservation in Virunga Park by delegating to Goma Pool. (GOMA)