Mtidano NFTree for erosion control is a fund 9 proposal submitted by Goma hub and stake pool, this aims to control erosions in places with high risk by planting thousands of trees and link them to dynamic NFTs.
The phenomenon of erosion modifies the shape and hydrology of environments, and causes landslides. The consequences can be serious for biodiversity as well as for the safety of all in the direct vicinity of the environment. Erosion also leads to degradation of water quality, caused by suspended solids. View proposal in ideascale here.
Full proposal :
Problem statement
Soil erosion is the cause of the degradation and fear of soil fauna and flora and is therefore one of the key elements of extreme disasters and climate change.
Describe your solution to the problem
Plant fast-growing, fertilizing trees in areas at risk of erosion and turn each tree into a dynamic NFTree, facilitating their protection, tracking, and expansion.
Relevant experience
Goma Cardano Hub:
- Have experimental acacia nurseries for reforestation (Since June 2020)
- Production of educational content on Project Catalyst, Haskell and Plutus
- Goma Cardano Stake Pool
- 4 developers and technical professionals
- Weekly meeting promoting Cardano Blockchain
Please describe your proposed solution.
Soil erosion is a phenomenon that affects all countries in the world and even more the country sends development as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has only accumulated the loss of more than 250,000 hectares of arable land following has phenomena like erosion.
The production of fast-growing trees with characteristics
which can be used to bed against soil erosion is not very popular in the region that is why we before launching experimental nurseries of acacias that we intend to use in this project.
The solution:
Most businesses have planted a number of trees to help offset their carbon footprint, but what we’re going to do is allow you to plant trees to combat soil erosion and then we’ll allow owners NFTrees to “adopt a tree” and see how that tree grows. You will be able to purchase an NFTree that will correspond to a specific tree in our nursery and will have access to certain information about that tree, including pictures and/or videos, so that you can see its growth. You will have access to the tree’s unique history The NFTree will also give you a voice in how the tree is managed (as part of our core principles). There may be options to make something like a tree paste (to protect the bark of the tree) for example.
Our solution will consist of several phases in approaching this question. Generally speaking, we want to associate each tree we produce in our nurseries with an NFTree.
In a first phase, we will go to the area of Masisi to the east of the city of Goma to meet the people living in areas at risk of erosion and start a conversation with them. We will focus on collecting information on the most used trees and the areas at high risk of erosion. Each of our actions and experiences will be captured through (videos, images, text and audio) which will serve as the starting point for each NFTree dynamic story.
The second phase of the project will involve returning to the areas we have visited before at the appropriate time of year for seedlings and conditioning them from our current nurseries.
During the third phase, we will implement a TREEdano minting policy on Cardano that will allow us to mint NFTree(s) for each tree in the nursery making sure to attach the appropriate documentation specific to each tree. All images, audio, text, video, or stories (according to the local context) will be captured. This process will be dynamic in the sense we will be able to link future stories and actions to whatever we initially create. We will conclude this phase by transplanting the tree and making sure they are given a unique DID and their geographical coordinates are captured.
The end goals of this project are at the heart of a serious problem facing most countries in the world. We hope that through this project and the community implication we could raise awareness among the inhabitants of the need to preserve these trees.
Risks and their Mitigation
We may run into the problem of the non-acceptance of the project by the local population but we have considered proceeding by the participatory method to reassure ourselves that we will achieve our objectives.
Climatic hazards, to allow the sustainability of the project and ensure that the species planted can evolve; a committee of experts and local leaders will be set up
Timeline and Milestones
We have a step by step approach to implementing our idea and we plan on getting it done as follows:
Step 0: Research (Surveys, collection of information on tree swarms and areas at high risk of erosion )
Step 1: Acquire and condition seeds
Step 2: Extend our current tree and plants nursery
Step 3: Create a dynamic NFTree for each tree and start documenting (image, audio, video, text …etc ) on each action taken on the tree, focusing also on the role it plays in communities.
Step 4: Plant the trees in the areas previously identified
Step 5: Create NFTrees on the Cardano network
Step 6: Implement a go to platform to educate on disappearing trees species
Step 7: Build a module for managing minting and donations.
KPIs and Audit
- Research documentation published on GitHub within 3 months post funding
- 120000 seedlings growing in our nursery within the 12 months post funding
- White paper published and minting platform finished within 18 months post funding
- Planting (minting) 30000 withing the first tree years of launch
- Launch of a commercial tree seed/seedling operation
- Onboarding farmers, schools and public institutions into our vision.
Total Budget: $25,000
- Research & documentation: $1,000
- Trips Logistic & Coordination: $2,000
- Seeds and Seedling (Acquisition and conditioning): $8,000
- NFTree Developers motivation: (3 x $250 x 12 months): $9,000
- Marketing: $2,000
- Establishment of local Clubs and national awareness campaign: $3,000
Delegate to GOMA pool equals fighting climate change, ticker : GOMA, Margin : 0%
By Martin M.